Bullying & Harassment
Connecticut and New York School Bullying Lawyer
Today’s digital age takes school bullying and harassment to a whole new level. Cases of school bullying as well as cyber bullying are constantly making headlines, ranging from tragic student suicides to explosive parent reactions. Cell phones, text messages, emails, and social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, can all potentially be used as pervasive and inescapable tools for bullying.
If your child is the victim of bullying and harassment, you have recourse.Phillip J. Cohn will take the time to listen to your concerns and fully understand your child’s unique needs and situation. We will create and implement a comprehensive strategy to protect your child from bullying. Depending on the specific facts and circumstances of your case, possible options to stop the bullying may include:
- School Intervention. We will help you document your case, prepare a written report of suspected bullying, and collaborate with school personnel in the investigation and prevention/intervention process.
- Police Investigation. We will help you gather key evidence in your case, and, if appropriate, pursue criminal charges against the perpetrators of bullying.
- Civil Actions Against The Bully’s Parents And Other Litigation. We will help you understand the various types of legal actions that may protect your child’s rights, and, if appropriate, bring a civil action against the school and/or a bully’s parents to remedy the situation.
Call now for a free consultation to learn how to stop the bullying!
Protecting the rights of students who are the victims of school bullying and harassment
An attorney, experienced in bullying and harassment, can help you work with your child’s school to help solve the problem. For example, in Connecticut there is an anti-bullying law. One of the most important elements of this law is that Connecticut schools must have a policy that enables parents or guardians to file written reports of suspected bullying.
If your child is the victim of bullying and harassment in the public schools, you have the right to file a written report of the suspected bullying. You also have the right to call a meeting with school administrators, teachers, or guidance staff in an attempt to resolve the problem. School administrators are required to investigate any written report of bullying allegations and take action to prevent future incidents. We will help you prepare a written report of suspected bullying and collaborate with school personnel in the investigation and prevention process.
Phillip J. Cohn will aggressively advocate for your child’s rights to protect his/her future. We will work collaboratively with you, your child, and the school system to protect your child’s safety and successfully navigate the bullying reporting and prevention/intervention process.
Protecting children with special needs
It is estimated that children with special needs are three to five times more at risk for being the targets of bullies. Phillip J. Cohn has a unique sensitivity to helping children with disabilities and special needs. We are knowledgeable regarding the many unique challenges children with special needs face in the schools and courts. We are experienced in education law, juvenile law, criminal law, and the rights governing special education.
The firm is skilled in identifying problems, proposing remedies, and negotiating solutions to protect the rights of children with disabilities, including autism; learning disabilities; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD / ADHD); dyslexia; tourette syndrome; personality disorder; bipolar disorder; obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD); and depression & anxiety.
When you or your child’s voice is taken away, we can help
If your child is the victim of bullying and harassment, we can help. We know the Connecticut and New York school systems and courts, and how to protect children. Contact us today!