Connecticut Bullying Lawyer
Today’s digital age takes school bullying and harassment to a whole new level. Cases of school bullying are constantly making headlines, ranging from tragic student suicides to explosive parent reactions. Cell phones, text messages, emails, and social networking sites, such as Facebook and Myspace, can all potentially be used as pervasive and inescapable tools for bullying.
An attorney, experienced in bullying and harassment, can help you work with your child’s school to help solve the problem. At the Law Office of Phillip J. Cohn, we will aggressively advocate for your child’s rights to protect his/her future. If your child is the victim of bullying and harassment in the public schools, you have the right to file a written report of the suspected bullying. You also have the right to call a meeting with school administrators, teachers, or guidance staff in an attempt to resolve the problem. School administrators are required to investigate any written report of bullying allegations and take action to prevent future incidents. We will help you prepare a written report of suspected bullying and collaborate with school personnel in the investigation and prevention process.